We have already confirmed 26 campers for our 2014 Camp Spring Creek season (June 15 to August 9)! It seems an appropriate time to revisit the van der Vorst's own story of taking a leap and letting go. Below, please find Susie's Director's Message from our Fall 2013 Newsletter. We all have to let go as parents. Here's our story:
I often help parents who fear that leaving their child for four, six, or even eight weeks could be a heartless act. This fall was very bittersweet for Steve and me as parents. Now, after parting from our own children—Marguerite off to college and Anina to Miss Hall's boarding school, we understand your feelings. Our children are starting their own life experiences without Mom and Dad at the helm. The pang we feel when we drop off our children to an unknown—and even known—environment can indeed be heart-wrenching. But we must remember that we are doing what is best for our children.
It’s easy to think it would be wonderful if we could magically view their lives away from us, but we need to relax and wait for the stories to come. When our children feel homesick, we need to understand, but realize this is a natural process. When they feel elated by an experience, we must share their excitement, instead of resenting that we weren’t there to walk beside them. And when they call us, frustrated with a challenge, we must reassure them that they have the tools to figure out a solution of their own. We cannot fix everything for them. After all, our goal is to raise responsible, resilient children. We need to let them make new friends, experience new adventures, and struggle with their own predicaments in order to grow. Letting go is hard—full of anguish and trepidation; however, it is these very opportunities to face the unknown and its accompanying challenges that are essential in their developing self-confidence and independence.
This year, it was our turn to let go. The girls have been gone for only a little over two months, and Steve and I already see them growing into the strong, unique young women they were meant to be. Every summer, parents like you let go as well, and Camp Spring Creek is privileged to be a place that has the opportunity to nurture your children as they grow and mature. Thank you for being a part of our extended Camp Spring Creek family.