Guest Blog: Author Aidan Colvin

Do you have a hero?

I did growing up. I mean, I’m not completely grown up now. I’m sixteen. 

But when I was younger, when I was just figuring out what it was like to be dyslexic, I felt pretty alone—until my mom sat me down at her computer and we looked up famous people who were also dyslexic.

Dyslexic Heroes

I almost didn’t believe it. Names like Albert Einstein and JFK and Thomas Edison and Ann Bancroft and Jay Leno… these were the faces that popped up. Really? I was skeptical. I mean if they really had dyslexia, how could they do the kinds of things I knew they had done? But they became my heroes. But they were like pie-in-the-sky far away heroes, way out of my league.

But anyway, I went along on my way and year after year passed, and I figured out my own way of doing things (like writing an “R” on my right hand and an “L” on my left. I still do that when I’m driving. Or just spending a lot more time learning things than my friends do.) And eventually I realized I was not just bad at everything, but kind of good at some things and even really good at some other things. Anyway, I got a little more confident. 

And then high school started. And math and biology and chemistry. (I mean how is a dyslexic supposed to make any sense of all those symbols?) And I admit I was feeling a little sorry for myself. One day my mom pointed me to this poster we had made when I was younger with pictures of the successful dyslexics I was telling you about earlier (and a bunch of others) and she said something like, “I wonder how they did it?” I said something like, “probably smarter.” And she said no. And I said, “yeah, right!” And she said, “Yeah! Write! Write them and ask them!”

How Did They Do It?

And you know what? I did. I didn’t expect anyone to write back so I was shocked when people did. People like writer John Irving and arctic explorer Ann Bancroft, comedian Jay Leno and a royal princess. 

Heroes Are Important

And they told me I was going to be okay. They said I’d just need to work harder. Things might take me longer, but was that so bad? They also said I’d probably figured out that my brain was probably more creative at some things because it was different and that I probably wasn’t as afraid of trying new things (and failing) as others because of all the experience I had with failing. That’s why there are a lot of dyslexic inventors. 

So I guess what I’m trying to tell you is that heroes are important. Who are yours Keep them in sight because you might find out that they’re a lot more like you than you thought.

About the Author

Aidan Colvin is an eleventh grader at Wake Early College STEM High School in Raleigh, North Carolina. With some assistance from his mom, he just finished writing the true story “Looking for Heroes: One Boy, One Year, 100 Letters.” (Available in print, as an eBook and in audio on Amazon).

Susie's Back-to-School Tips for Parents

Back-to-school can be a stressful time for student with dyslexia, but it doesn’t have to be. Remember that you are your child’s best advocate. Beyond that, your child is his or her own best advocate. Here are some tips for a successful start to the school year.

  • Do you have a psycho-educational evaluation for your child? If he or she is in public school, the school is required to provide it. If there’s too long a waiting period to see the school or district psychologist, you can provide an outside evaluation at your own expense. Contact me for recommendations. You should expect a 15-20 page-report specific to your child, and the psychologist should sit down and go over the report with you. I recommend that you take a friend with you to take notes as this can be at times an emotional meeting. It is best to share highlighted portions of the report with your child’s teacher. The teacher may be overwhelmed to read the report in its entirety, and if you highlight the key points that would help.


  • Put in the time in the beginning of the school year to introduce yourself to the teachers, specialists and psychologists who will be working with your child. Find out the best way to stay in touch with the teacher about your child: phone, email, in person?


  • Be assertive about your child’s needs, but also respectful of the teacher’s time and ask how you can be of assistance.


  • Advocate for multisensory education in your child’s classroom, additional time to complete tasks, and limited-timed tasks and projects broken down into chunks. Provide your child’s teacher with resources if he or she doesn’t know about multisensory education.


  • Remind your child to advocate for him/herself. By speaking up and getting needed help, other students in the class can benefit, too.


  • If you’re homeschooling, reach out to other homeschooling parents of kids with dyslexia to build a community of support.


  • Encourage your child to keep engaged in one activity that bolsters his or her confidence throughout the year. Do not overwhelm your child with too many activities but allow him/her to develop natural talents and interests


  • Continue to read aloud with your child every day! Alternate which of you reads aloud. If your child stumbles on a word, just provide the word with out ridicule or embarrassment.


  • Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions or for advice during the school year. 

Camper Poetry, Summer 2016

On the final night of camp, a talent and skit show is a Camp Spring Creek tradition. This year, camper Corey K. shared a poem that she wrote. Corey beautifully captured life a camp and she agreed that we could share her work here. 


Camp Spring Creek Summer

A soft laughter runs through the camp

Take some wood, nails and clamps

A bucket of paint will do just fine

Camp is for fun during summertime

Up some stones and in the pool

A bunch of friends, we’re nice and cool

In typing, your fingers just go, go, go

But looking at the keys gets a no, no, no

Woodshop is my favourite though

Hit a nail with one big blow

Books, pillowcases, painting and more

In Art, all are welcome, it’s above the door

Rollerskating is so much fun

But be careful, don’t fall on your bum

Tubing was relaxing and lazy

But rafting was a bit more crazy

The rain ruined our Olympic dreams

Some countries had a lot of steam

The storms came quick with lightning and rain

Our activities stopped, it was such a pain.

Room inspection, gets us cleaning fast

A perfect score, what a blast

Reading, spelling and lots of CLOVER

Until the day is officially over

A day for the girls at Wilson’s Creek

We will all be home in less than a week

Friends and fun, camp gets a cheer

Its time to go home, so Steve can have a beer

We say goodbye, but never fear

We will see you all again next year.

What To Do if Your Camper is “Campsick”

Our last group of Summer 2016 campers departed on Saturday. While it was hard to see them go, our wonderful tutor Renya shared an important piece of advice with those leaving “Don’t be sad that it’s over; be happy that it happened.”

Camp is an intense experience, full of a lot of learning and growing in a short period of time. When it’s over, it’s normal for campers to feel the loss of it and become “campsick;” a version of homesickness for camp. Here are a few tips from Susie on how to combat campsickness.

•    Ask your child to tell you about daily routines, new skills learned, or friendships made at camp. He or she probably wants to share, but may not know where to start. Asking specific questions will help guide the conversation and spark memories.

•    Encourage your child to write to camp friends: in cursive! This will not only reinforce new writing skills, but will also help him or her to feel connected. Remember tutors and counselors love to hear from campers, too, not to mention Susie and Steve!

•    Suggest your child journal about his or her camp experience. This will make sure that memories are preserved before they are forgotten. 

•  Your camper has learned new skills such as keeping his or her belongings organized and completing tasks such as washing clothes. Encourage him or her to continue with these newfound skills at home!

• Let your child know that he or she can share the camp experience with other students at school. They can advocate for their needs and for teaching practices that help them and others like them. 

• Help your camper to plan a meetup or reunion with a special camp friend or friends. This will help to cement the friendship for the future and gives your child something to look forward to. During the school year, it’s always nice to have a friend who understands what you’re going through. Susie would be thrilled to visit campers, help organize camp reunions, or offer information sessions in your area: just contact her to discuss it!

Returning from camp and getting back into daily routines at home can sometimes be challenging for kids. Acknowledging that your child has changed and grown—that his or her world is a little bit bigger now—and that you’re proud of him or her goes a long way toward increasing your child’s self-confidence. And isn’t that a big part of what camp is all about? 

Camp Spring Creek: Week 8 in Pictures

Another incredible summer at Camp Spring Creek has come to an end. Our campers squeezed the last hours of fun from the summer and then were recognized with awards before recognizing their counselors and tutors with awards, too. There were many tearful goodbyes and promises to keep in touch that we know will be kept. Each camper, counselor, tutor, and staff member went home with new friendships and beautiful memories. Our campers went home with a new love of learning, too, and skills that will serve them throughout the school year and throughout their lives. This is the reason we're here at Camp Spring Creek and we can't wait to everyone again next year.  

Meet the Tutor: Renya S.

Coming all the way from Australia to Bakersville, North Carolina for the summer with two young children is a big commitment. But our tutor Renya has never shied from diving in wholeheartedly when it comes to helping her child and other children overcome learning difficulties.

When he was just a toddler, Renya’s son Harry had speech and language delays and she knew there had to be a cause for the frustration he was expressing in his behavior. She had him tested. “Because of my background (a degree in psychology and work with kids who have disabilities), I knew that early intervention was key,” she says.  Testing indicated auditory and visual tracking issues which would affect Harry’s ability to read. She read everything she could get her hands on about what these issues might mean for Harry in the future. Over time, she began to suspect he might be dyslexic. To ensure that she would be able to help him, Renya took the Orton-Gillingham Associate-level training. “I’m all about empowering myself to advocate for my kids,” she says.

But she doesn’t advocate for her own kids alone. Over the summer, Renya has helped many of our campers make great leaps forward. She helped one student move from writing in print only to using cursive. “He was really proud of himself,” she says. Giving campers the tools and rules they need to be successful has been the most rewarding part of her experience at Camp Spring Creek. Having Susie to help her put her training into practice this summer has been another highlight. “I’m so lucky to have her as a mentor,” she says.

As Renya has helped campers to grow, her sons Harry and Alex have also become beloved members of the camp community, too. After completing her tutoring experience this summer, Renya will return to Australia and then come back again to complete another Associate’s level training with Susie in September. Her dedication is inspiring and will no doubt benefit many kids both in the US and Australia for years to come.


Meet the Tutor: Betsy Bankston


Betsy Bankston is a surgical nurse, so she’s skilled at diagnostics. But it was her instinct as a mother that kicked in when she saw her daughter Audrey struggling and falling behind in reading in kindergarten. She knew her daughter wasn't getting the attention she needed, either. “I wasn’t trained as a teacher, but I knew I could do better for her,” she says.

She began to homeschool, and as she became more experienced, she realized that Audrey was dyslexic. While learning more about dyslexia, she heard about Orton-Gillingham. A friend of a friend told her about Susie and Camp Spring Creek. Last January, she took the Associate Level training with the aim of becoming the most effective homeschool teacher she could be. Earlier this month, she began as a tutor at Camp Spring Creek. Betsy is so dedicated that she teaches all week, then drives home on the weekend to her home near Gastonia and works her nursing shifts. 

As a tutor, Betsy has worked with students across a range of reading levels. Over the summer, she says, she has been able to supply them with the tools they need to improve their reading,  such as syllable chunking, finger tapping, and writing and grammar for more advanced students. They are so eager to learn, she says, she can see them soaking in what they’re learning like sponges. “I love to watch them make progress. It’s so rewarding to see them accomplish their goals.” 

Working at Camp Spring has been an intense learning period, says Betsy, one during which she has cemented a lot of what she acquired during her Associate Level training. This investment in her own learning and in her students is one she’s been happy to have opportunity to make. 

“Susie says the greatest gift you can give a dyslexic is time,” says Betsy. “When I’m with my students, it doesn’t feel like 55 minutes. The time flies by. I wish I had two hours to spend with them each day!”

Camp Spring Creek: Week 6 in Photos!

Another great week at camp! It was hot, so there was a lot of time in the water and chilling out with books. We said goodbye to eight campers: we'll miss you and never forget you!

Underwater fun!

Underwater fun!

A powerful foot

A powerful foot

Cooling down on a hot day

Cooling down on a hot day

D's turn at the plate

D's turn at the plate

In the woodshop

In the woodshop

Relaxing with a good book 

Relaxing with a good book 

K. kicks it!

K. kicks it!

A little down time...

A little down time...

Nice form!

Nice form!

A comfy place to read

A comfy place to read

H. looking cool

H. looking cool

Fun and challenging!

Fun and challenging!

A counselor and her pal

A counselor and her pal

Classic summer shot!

Classic summer shot!

There's room for two in the hammock!

There's room for two in the hammock!

A new way of reading

A new way of reading

Underwater fun

Underwater fun

We will miss you, J.!

We will miss you, J.!

Evening fun

Evening fun

Goofing around with the counselors!

Goofing around with the counselors!

A Fond Farewell

Ty takes the plunge

Ty takes the plunge

Recently, Camp Spring Creek said goodbye to Tyion, who has spent three summers with us. Ty came to us through our partnership with OpenDoors of Asheville, an organization that connects local children who have financial need with an active, individualized network of support, including tutoring and enrichment opportunities such as attending Camp Spring Creek. Ty is now age 15 and enrolled in Odyssey Community School in Asheville.  We sat down to talk to him about his experiences here.

Think back to your first time arriving here. What was it like for you?

I didn’t want to be here. I was homesick. It was probably the third day when things changed.

What turned things around for you?

I realized that there were a lot of people here who believed in me and were striving to help me do what I wanted to do.

What kind of changes can you see in yourself as a result of camp?

I’m not afraid to read aloud in class or read in front the class anymore. I believe in myself a lot more.

What kind of books do you like to read?

I like history books. For example, Elijah of Buxton by Christopher Paul Curtis. That’s probably my favorite book.

How do you feel about being done with camp?

Kind of sad, but excited.

What is your biggest takeaway from camp?

I feel like I can do whatever I put my mind to. I’m more comfortable being in the real world. I’ve come along way.

What are your plans for the future? 

I play football for the Asheville Saints (a team that gives homeschooled kids and kids from private schools the opportunity to play middle and high school football). My dream is to play for the NFL, but I’m also interested in sports medicine.

"Campers like Ty are the reason we get so much satisfaction out of what we do," says Susie. "We love to empower children to be the best they can be. The road is often rocky, but it gets smoother the longer you stay with it. Ty will have to overcome many more hurdles in his life, but I believe he has a stronger personal conviction now and will tackle and conquer many obstacles. We are so proud of him and his many accomplishments. We miss Ty here at Camp Spring Creek, wish him the best and hope he will stay in touch!

Ty with counselor, Conor

Ty with counselor, Conor

Ty with family friend Denise and mom Sheila

Ty with family friend Denise and mom Sheila

Meet the Tutor: Liane Measell

Being a teacher requires a certain degree of fearlessness, which, as you can see in the photo above, Liane Measell has in great measure. A retired teacher with 35 years of experience in early childhood special ed, Liane moved to Asheville last year and was ready for a new challenge. After reading an article about Open Doors of Asheville, Liane decided that volunteering for the organization would be a great way for her to stay engaged in education and improving the lives of children. She started tutoring at the Open Doors-sponsored afterschool program at Asheville's Lee Walker Heights community. 

Throughout her career as a teacher, Liane often worked with children who had developmental delays, focusing on their phonemic awareness. Because of her interest in language development and processing, she took interest when she heard about the Orton-Gillingham Associate Level training Susie offers at Camp Spring Creek's Training and Outreach Center in Spruce Pine. Liane completed the 60-hour training last January.

This summer, she has worked with five students at Camp Spring Creek. It's been an "immersive" experience, she says, getting to work so closely with students. The key to success, she says is "teamwork and community." The whole staff at camp works together and supports each other as well as the campers. It's intense and rewarding, she says, but if feels great when she knows her efforts are paying off. Liane cites in particular a student she was working with on phonogram clusters. She asked the student to think of an instance when he could hear a phonogram cluster and he gave a very umpire-like rendition of "Strrrr-ike: you're out!" 

When she's not teaching, Liane, a native of New Hampshire, can be found pursuing adventures in the outdoors, one of the chief reasons she chose Asheville as her new home. We're so glad to have Liane with us this summer, applying all her experience and commitment and enriching the lives of our campers. 

Camp Spring Creek: Week 4 in Pictures

Our week started with July 4, the Penland parade and fireworks. But there were rafting and biking adventures, archery, rainy-day yoga and lots of other activites, too. And of course, lots of reading! We held a ceremony to say goodbye to our four week campers, of whom we're very proud. We'll never forget you!

At the Penland July 4 parade

At the Penland July 4 parade

Pool fun

Pool fun

Taking aim

Taking aim

S. loves The Mysterious Benedict Society!

S. loves The Mysterious Benedict Society!

Getting ready to raft!

Getting ready to raft!

Tiny but mighty!

Tiny but mighty!

Goofing around

Goofing around

Rainy day yoga

Rainy day yoga

D. is really into his book.

D. is really into his book.

And the most creative hat award goes to...

And the most creative hat award goes to...

A proud tutor and her camper!

A proud tutor and her camper!

We'll miss you, E.!

We'll miss you, E.!

 A very fond farewell

 A very fond farewell

L. and her art teacher!

L. and her art teacher!

Way to go, S!

Way to go, S!

Great job, A.- we'll miss you!

Great job, A.- we'll miss you!

Best buds

Best buds

Inventing new poses? 

Inventing new poses? 

Reading in the rocker

Reading in the rocker

Another HP fan

Another HP fan

A proud moment. 

A proud moment. 

Great job, C.!

Great job, C.!

Many accomplishments this month!

Many accomplishments this month!

Susie and W. on our last night.

Susie and W. on our last night.

So long, B- great to meet you!

So long, B- great to meet you!

Nice work, L.- we're proud of you!

Nice work, L.- we're proud of you!

The whole gang

The whole gang

Camp Spring Creek Stories: Andrew's Robot

Over the course of the summer at Camp Spring Creek, campers and their tutors spend a lot of time together. This time is both fun and challenging, filled with great leaps in learning every day. Our tutors go above and beyond to get to know each camper as an individual, tuning in to the camper's unique way of learning, personality and interests. We're thrilled when that individual interest goes both ways.

While working with his tutor Ishani, Andrew noticed that she could use a place to put her pens, pencils and notecards. In woodshop, he designed and crafted this robot bookshelf for her office, drilling holes for the pens and pencils on the ends of the "arms" so that they look like fingers. The robot now 'lives' in her office, a permanent gift to her. 

We are proud of our creative campers! But we're also proud of their thoughtfulness and kindness to each other and to their tutors and counselors. Camp brings out the best in everyone!

Camp Spring Creek: A Tale of Two Friendships

Camp is as much about friendship as it is about fun and learning. Each summer, campers from around the world come together to spend a lot of time close together on this mountain outside of Bakersville, North Carolina. In this special environment, it's always amazing to see how quickly friendships develop. This first session of 2016 has been no exception. Here are a few of the superstar friendships we've noticed at Camp Spring Creek this summer. 

Ellie and Olivia have been to camp together before, but they were in different cabins and didn't really know each other. This year, staying in the same cabin, they developed a remarkable friendship. Even though they spend a lot of time together, they never get tired of each other. They both love to read and although they have different taste in books (Olivia likes contemporary YA like John Green books and Ellie likes series such as Harry Potter). Counselors say these two girls are always laughing and smiling and brightening everyone else's day!

Enzo comes from California and Will from the Cayman Islands. But despite coming from very different places, these two have formed a fast friendship. It's not necessarily easy for 13-year-old boys to make new friends, but these two have a similar sense of humor and keep each other cracking up all the time. Will they keep in touch after camp ends? They'd like to!  

We're proud of all of our campers for their kindness and the way they take chances on new friendships and support each other! Camp friendships are truly unforgettable!

Camp Spring Creek, Week 3 in Pictures!

A Mount Mitchell selfie!

A Mount Mitchell selfie!

The boys getting ready for the big dance. And getting photobombed by the gals. 

The boys getting ready for the big dance. And getting photobombed by the gals. 

Camp is about friendship.

Camp is about friendship.

The girls, pre-dance. 

The girls, pre-dance. 

Survivor games- three are better than one!

Survivor games- three are better than one!

Survivor games at the pool.

Survivor games at the pool.

Taking aim in archery. 

Taking aim in archery. 

Exploring in the creek. 

Exploring in the creek. 

Woodburning in woodshop. 

Woodburning in woodshop. 

Getting ready for the dance. 

Getting ready for the dance. 

Fun with clay. 

Fun with clay. 

Mimi is helping out. 

Mimi is helping out. 

Team spirit in Survivor games!

Team spirit in Survivor games!

Taking a break on a group hike. 

Taking a break on a group hike. 

Team games often require unusual skills!

Team games often require unusual skills!

Taking the plunge. 

Taking the plunge. 

There IS a lot of learning going on, too!

There IS a lot of learning going on, too!

Cooling down in the creek. 

Cooling down in the creek. 

Here we are, atop the highest peak in the East, Mt. Mitchell!

Here we are, atop the highest peak in the East, Mt. Mitchell!

Camp besties!

Camp besties!

Guest Blog: Decoding Dyslexia NC

cropped-September-logo11 We're excited to be hosting our first guest blogger, Jennifer McBee from Decoding Dyslexia NC! Decoding Dyslexia is a network of parent-led grassroots movements across the country concerned with the limited access to educational interventions for dyslexia within the public education system. Here in North Carolina, Decoding Dyslexia is making great progress. Here's what Jennifer shared with us:

Decoding Dyslexia Hoping to Gain Ground in 2016

Decoding Dyslexia NC (DDNC) is driven by NC families concerned with the limited access to educational interventions for dyslexia within our public schools. The Decoding Dyslexia movement aims to raise dyslexia awareness, empower families to support their children and inform policy­makers on best practices to identify, remediate and support students with dyslexia in NC public schools. The national movement started in 2011 with several parents from New Jersey. Today there are Decoding Dyslexia groups in all 50 states and four Canadian Provinces.

Decoding Dyslexia NC is still young and looking for concerned parents who want to make a change in education for their children as well as others. Lending your voice to by reaching out to your representatives is a huge help. A great example of parents making a difference is the bipartisan Research Excellence and Advancements for Dyslexia Act (READ Act) H.R. 3033, which the president signed into law on February 18, 2016. Keep a watch out on our website for calls to action for dyslexia parents advocate for their children. DDNC advocates for the state of North Carolina to:

  • Mandate a universal definition and understanding of “dyslexia” in the state education code
  •  Mandate teacher training on dyslexia, its warning signs and appropriate intervention.

DDNC sees that NC parents have struggled getting services because schools typically don’t use the word dyslexia, nor fully understand that it’s a difference in how the brain is wired. DDNC is working to change that and help parents advocate for their children. Another example of how the national group has made a difference was the #SayDyslexia movement, which resulted in a dyslexia guidance letter from the US Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services last October. The letter basically says that schools can use the word “Dyslexia” when it applies to a child with a reading disability. Properly defining the issue when a child is struggling is crucial to getting proper instruction.

DDNC currently has four co­-leaders who contribute a variety of strengths to our team. We want to connect with other concerned parents, teachers, and administrators throughout North Carolina who want to create an effective change with less effort through education about dyslexia. We are also concerned with how to help students with dyslexia families in NC that are in rural areas who may not have access to as many resources for their children.

If you want more information or would like to get involved, please contact and connect with us:

Self Portrait