In The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan: A Blueprint for Renewing Your Child's Confidence and Love of Learning, Ben Foss goes beyond telling readers what dyslexia is and instead focuses on what you can do. According to the book jacket, "after years of battling with a school system that did not understand his dyslexia and the shame that accompanied it, renowned activist and entrepreneur Ben Foss is not only open about his dyslexia, he is proud of it. In The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan he shares his personal triumphs and failures so that you can learn from his experiences, and provides a three-step approach for success." We highly recommend this book and if our vote isn't persuasive enough, check out this free excerpt in online print or audio format to experience these inspiring ideas for yourself. Meantime, we're going to try and get in touch with Ben for an interview. Fingers crossed...and stay tuned!