Meet the Tutor: Jennifer Baughman


A passion for education is something that runs in Jennifer Baughman's family. Her husband Steve is an educator, too and both of them will be joining us at camp this summer! But along with her serious side, Jennifer has a spirit of adventure. We've got a feeling she'll fit right in at CSC! We asked Jennifer to tell us a little more about herself here: 

Where are you from and what do you do during the school year? 

 I am from Rock Hill, South Carolina. During the school year, I teach high school English at an alternative high school. I teach students who have been removed from their schools for behavior reasons.   

What inspired you to learn the Orton-Gillingham approach? 

My main inspiration has really been my husband, Steve. He has been working with O-G materials for several years now, and his enthusiasm has transferred to me. 

What are some of your most memorable moments as a teacher? 

There have been so many times. Perhaps one of the most rewarding was when South Carolina required an exit exam, and I worked with students who had finished the class requirements but not the exit exam requirement to graduate from high school. Every student that I worked with passed their exit exams. Several students that I worked with had learning disabilities which made the test very difficult. One student, David, worked so hard and struggled so much. He worked full time during the day and worked with me during an evening class time. His original score was very low, but he passed and we were both so happy.     

What made you want to work at camp this summer?                    

I love to see students excited about what they are learning and for them to see and feel success in what they are doing.

What can campers do to make you smile? 

Just going on the journey of learning with each student will bring me joy.    

What is something campers would be surprised to learn about you? 

I am a quiet person, so I think people are surprised at my adventurous side. I have been rappelling and spelunking. I'd love to go skydiving, but haven't been yet.  

What are your hopes for this summer? 

I hope this summer to make a difference for campers and to help them gain the confidence they need to succeed.
