Week One in Photos

It has been a jam-packed, fun-filled first week here at Camp Spring Creek. The campers have all settled in just fine and there have only been a few mild-cases of homesickness. So far, the activities during this last week included: free swim, kickball, volleyball, capture the flag, creek hikes, dodgeball, water polo and a balloon scavenger hunt. On Friday night, there was a big campfire and we made s'mores. Saturday, we hiked in the Lost Cove (Wilson's Creek). The campers had a great time swimming in the creek and hiking. Sunday, we are going tubing on the river.

When the campers are not doing fun activities, they are busy working with their tutors. The Trail of Pages, the total amount of pages read by campers during the morning reading hour, this week has a total (all campers) of 2,937 pages read. Check below for the whole chart!

It has only been the first week and there have already been some great experiences! ImageImage








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